What is Quality Assurance?
The Ede Christian University of Applied Sciences (CHE) has scored high in the Keuzegids hbo for years. And with good reason: good quality education and a strong culture of quality are of paramount importance. The college's mission is to educate value-driven professionals who can serve society (CHE, s.d.). To prepare students for their social role and responsibility, we continuously work on the quality we offer by reflecting on achievements and engaging in dialogue with stakeholders about them. Because CHE considers it important to have continuous quality in order, a strong quality culture and a well-functioning quality assurance system are indispensable. We do this by deploying tools and systems to provide insight into and dialogue about information, and by using this input for improvement plans and annual plans.
What is the Instellingstoets Kwaliteitszorg (ITK):
In the current accreditation system, NVAO focuses on accrediting programmes, with institutions having the choice of voluntarily participating in a so-called institutional quality assurance test (ITK). The ITK assesses whether the internal quality assurance systems are in order. When an institution gets this test recognised, the programmes are assessed with a more limited framework than when an institution does not have this recognition. CHE participates in this voluntary test, with the so-called third round ITK or ITK 3.0 for CHE to be completed by June 2026, as that is when the current accreditation expires.
What are programme accreditations and mid-term reviews:
A programme assessment takes place every six years, carried out by a panel of external experts, after which, if sufficiently assessed, the programme is accredited by the NVAO.Halfway through the cycle of programme accreditations, the programme conducts a midterm review (CHE policy.Again, external experts are involved in this, providing a positive-critical assessment of the quality of education and the progress of developments in the programme. As much use as possible is made of existing documentation when preparing for an MTR or visitation, on the basis of which the external experts provide assessment and feedback.